Thursday, June 25, 2015

wget usage

wget usage:

1 Simple Usage
    # Say you want to download a URL. Just type:
    $ wget

    # In this case, Wget will try getting the file until it either gets the whole of it, or
    # exceeds the default number of retries (this being 20).
    # It is easy to change the number of tries to 45, to insure that the whole file will
    # arrive safely:
    $  wget --tries=45

    # Now let’s leave Wget to work in the background, and write its progress
    # to log file log. It is tiring to type ‘--tries’, so we shall use ‘-t’.
    $ wget -t 45   -o log &

   #  To unlimit the number of retries 
   $ wget -t inf   -o log &  

    # The usage of FTP is as simple. Wget will take care of login and password.
    $ wget

    # If you specify a directory, Wget will retrieve the directory listing, parse it
    # and convert it to HTML.
    $ wget          #  create index.html

2 Advanced Usage
    # You have a file that contains the URLs you want to download? Use the ‘-i’ switch:
    $ wget -i file       # read ULR from a file
    $ wget -i -          # read ULR from standard input.

    # Create a five levels deep mirror image of the GNU web site
    $ wget -r  -o   gnulog

    # The same as the above, but convert the links in the downloaded files to point to local files,     
   $ wget --convert-links  -r  -o  gnulog

    # Retrieve only one HTML page, but make sure that all the elements 
    # needed for the page to be displayed,
    $ wget -p   --convert-links

    # The HTML page will be saved to, and
    # the images, stylesheets, etc.,  somewhere under,
    #depending on where they were on the remote server.
    # The same as the above, but without the directory.
    $ wget -p --convert-links -nH -nd  -Pdownload    \ 

    # Retrieve the index.html of ‘’, showing the original server headers:
    $ wget  -S

    # Save the server headers with the file, perhaps for post-processing.
    $ wget --save-headers
    $ more index.html

    # Retrieve the first two levels of ‘’, saving them to /tmp.
    $ wget -r -l2 -P/tmp

    # You want to download all the GIFs from a directory on an HTTP server
    # if HTTP retrieval does not support globbing
    # More verbose, but the effect is the same.
    # ‘-r -l1’ means to retrieve recursively, with maximum depth of 1.
    # ‘--no-parent’ means that references to the parent directory are ignored
    # ‘-A.gif’ means to download only the GIF files. ‘-A "*.gif"’ would have worked too.
    $ wget -r -l1 --no-parent -A.gif

    # Suppose you were in the middle of downloading, when Wget was interrupted.
    # Now you do not want to clobber the files already present. It would be:
     $ wget -nc -r

    # If you want to encode your own username and password to HTTP or FTP,
    # use the appropriate URL syntax (see URL Format).
    $ wget

    # Note, however, that this usage is not advisable on multi-user systems
     # because it reveals your password to anyone
    # who looks at the output of ps. You would like the output documents to
    # go to standard output instead of to files?
    # "-O -"   log to standard output
    $ wget -O -       

    # You can also combine the two options and make pipelines to retrieve the
    # documents from remote hotlists:
    $ wget -O - | wget --force-html -i -

3 Very Advanced Usage
    # If you wish Wget to keep a mirror of a page (or FTP subdirectories),
   # use ‘--mirror’ (‘-m’),
    # which is the shorthand for ‘-r -l inf -N’. You can put Wget in the crontab
    # file asking it to recheck a site each Sunday:
    $ crontab 0 0 * * 0  wget --mirror -o /home/me/weeklog

    # In addition to the above, you want the links to be converted for local viewing.
    # But, after having read this manual, you know that link conversion doesn’t
    # play well with timestamping,
    # so you also want Wget to back up the original HTML files before the conversion.  
    # Wget invocation would look like this:
    $ wget --mirror --convert-links --backup-converted  \ -o /home/me/weeklog

    # But you’ve also noticed that local viewing doesn’t work all that well
    # when HTML files are saved under
    # extensions other than ‘.html’, perhaps because they were served as index.cgi.
    # So you’d like Wget to rename
    # all the files served with content-type ‘text/html’ or ‘application/xhtml+xml’
    # to name.html.
    $ wget --mirror --convert-links --backup-converted \
           --html-extension -o /home/me/weeklog        \

    # Or, with less typing:
    $ wget -m -k -K -E -o /home/me/weeklog

wget man pages is here:
Two useful options:
    Turn off verbose without being completely quiet (use -q for that), which means that error messages and basic information still get printed.

    When invoked with this option, Wget will behave as a Web spider, which means that it will not download the pages, just check that they are there. For example, you can use Wget to check your bookmarks:
  $  wget  -nv   --spider --force-html   -i   bookmarks.html

  # check multiple files on server  at one time without downloading files.
  $  wget  -nv   --spider   \

[dxu@nco-lw-dxu mag_web_test]$  wget  -nv  --spider
2015-06-25 16:40:11 URL: 200 OK
2015-06-25 16:40:11 URL: 200 OK
2015-06-25 16:40:11 URL: 200 OK

Monday, June 1, 2015

SVN : check out a specific version a file

There are occasions where you want to check out a specific version of a file.
I use an example below to show how to do this:
1. Get log info
$ svn log > log_record
$ cat log_record

r267 | dxu | 2015-03-30 21:23:27 +0000 (Mon, 30 Mar 2015) | 1 line
r63 | jator | 2014-05-07 18:38:30 +0000 (Wed, 07 May 2014) | 1 line
r61 | jator | 2014-04-30 19:22:16 +0000 (Wed, 30 Apr 2014) | 1 line
r54 | jator | 2014-04-14 17:22:15 +0000 (Mon, 14 Apr 2014) | 1 line

2. Check out specific versions
$ svn  cat  -r   267  > abc267     # check out latest  version
$ svn  cat  -r   63  > abc63       # check out a previous version
$ svn  cat  -r   61  > abc61       # check out a previous version
$ svn  cat  -r   54  > abc54       # check out a previous version
$ sstatus
$ diff  abc267   abc63
$ diff  abc267   abc61
$ diff  abc267   abc54

# Revert to a previous version
# way 1 
$ mv   abc54
$ svn commit -m"balah..."

# way 2 
$ svn update  -r   54